Well...as a teenage girl who really loves pretty things, of course I spend them on Japanese magazines. Over the summer this year, I brought like...a lot of magazines when I was in Taiwan, so I just wanted to share my collection so far and that I'm really bored right now, so consider this another post of rambling...wee!! typing!! FUN!
I don't really like ViVi because well some of the models are really ugly and some are just overused like Lena...and that the fashion is more toward people in their 20s, so I'm more of a Popteen/Cawaii fan. I only buy ViVi for Ayu's ViVi Deji Deji Diary. I love Popteen....but I just recently learned the February 2009 issue will be my favorite model, Aiku Maikawa, last time appearing in Popteen since she'll be graduating. I guess my only reason to buy Popteen is gone...unless Ayumi is on the cover again!

yeah pommy! same! I also bought quite a few mags this year! I think I'm more of a Cawaii fan too. I just bought ViVi Jan issue cos of Ayu's deji deji dairy. hahaz. Pretty things are meant to be seen at all times =) Do u put up any posters in ur room?
ReplyDeleteoh yes, I'm currently waiting for the Taiwan version of Cawaii Feb issue with Ayu in kimono~~. She's so kawaii~~ ^_^
ReplyDeleteHi there :) Aiku is my fave model too. Just to let you know, (incase you didn't) that she's moved to Cancam. I didn't realise she was graduating, but I did think it was strange she was appearing in a magazine that usually only has exclusive models... I suppose this is why!
ReplyDeleteI'm not certain why, I would usually say it was becuase she was too old, but 20 seems to be the average and there are older girls...
ReplyDeleteIt's possible that she's grown out of the 'gal' image, or Cancam pays better and their models become celebrities.
Anyway, browsing the Cancam website, I found a video of her! (http://cancam.tv/content/08fashion_tour/index.html) Go to part 2 and she's the first model out, so cute!
I've always got that impression from her too, she seems really sweet and goofy :)
ReplyDeleteI'm actually quite glad she's moved to Cancam, we should be able to see a lot more of her in future!
And thankyou, that's really sweet ^-^ Unfortunatly I don't live in Japan atm, but I'm going to study japanese at uni so I should be there in a few years :)
A bubbly sort of person, I'd love to be cute like her *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI mainly read Seventeen, Cancam and Popteen, but I occasionally read Ageha and the Gothic and Lolita bible (just because it's so pretty, not really my style!) I'm big on Jpop too, but fashion is my passion atm, lol.
Have you heard of MottoImadoki? It's a little fashion segment run on Japanese tv every weekday, lots of the Seventeen models are on it and there are lots of nice things showcased there :)
The videos are on youtube on these accounts
Ayu is too beautiful! I love Trauma, Ldies night, My name is women and fairyland Oh and the pv for Jewel! Which other artists do you like?
ReplyDeleteI like the more 'grown up' lolita look like in Mary Magdelene (http://tinyurl.com/9b6t7a)
Himegyaru is so lovely, but too difficult for me to emulate (Hair... ^-^;) I visited Liz Liza when I was in Japan, and the Hime I met there was like a living doll, so pretty!
I don't think there's a look of Ayu's that I don't like! (although I'm realativly new fan of hers, august i think?) I'm a bit of an idol fan (AKB48 was the first Jpop I ever heard back in 2006, I managed to see them live ^0^)Recently I've been into Koda Kumi, Mika Nakashima and Angela Aki too.
ReplyDeleteI havent yet ventured into Cpop, I only know Cyndi Wang (Ai ni, and Honey). I like the (Kpop) group Wonder girls, though. have you heard of them?
I'd love to have some Mary Magdalene dresses one day!Brands like BTSSB are really sweet (woudn't suit me, though...) have you seen Kamikaze girls?
I think Liz Liza fits quite well with Popteen's casual image, to me all their stuff seems wearable wheras Jesus Diamante's look might be a little difficult to wear outside Japan (the gravity defying hair, @_@!)
I don't have any Japanese makeup, but I love the way they apply it! Ayu's is always pristine (but she has such lovely eyes it would be hard to go wrong :D) I like Leah Dizon's look (she went quite Hime)but it's quite hard to emulate, lol.
(ack, long post sorry ^-^;)
I think I like Ayu best with dark hair (a la Pride) or short blonde hair, but I love how experimental she is with it!
ReplyDeleteTaboo is such a great song, once I've heard it once I have to put it on loop XD. I like BUT, Cherry girl, Love goes like and love Aishou too. Juicy is good, but the video was a bit of a shock the first time I saw it ^-^;
Wonder girls are definatly worth listening too, try 'Tell me' (check out the video and all the people dancing too it on youtube, :D) and 'So hot' they're my faves, although 'Nobody' might be overtaking them! I've never heard of Epik High, I shall have to check them out.
Kamikaze girls is a must-see for ANY lolita fan. (http://tinyurl.com/993667)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamikaze_Girls It's extremely cute and funny!
I'm pretty sure Popteen falls under the 'Gyaru group' along with Ageha and Egg (less like egg though, obviously). I've never read Vivi or Cawaii, what are they like?
Ayu has such huge eyes, I love her makeup here http://tinyurl.com/854dax so amazing! I've had Ladies' Night in my head all day, lol.
I think I read somewhere that there was a surge of requests from Japanese women to dye their hair back to it's natural colour when Ayu did, lol!
ReplyDeleteRecently 'Freaky' and 'Fake Star' (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ICYWaGbkFa0)have been on repeat, along with assorted Leah Dizon songs, did you know that she's married and pregnant? Now THAT was a suprise.
If you like Kyoko Fukada you need to check out 'Yama Onna Kabe Onna'. She's so pretty in that series, and it's such a funny show!
What I've seen of Vivi didn't really appeal too much, I might try Cawaii though!
Ayu's PVs are always so stunning and unnusual, watching Blue Bird makes me long to be somewhere sunny on holiday! It's cold and rainy here in England ^-^
Yeah, in Ladies night she looks like she's wearing the cookie monster on her legs! I do love it though (it does reminds me a bit of Koda Kumi's But)
ReplyDeleteI didn't believe it at first, i thought it was one of those rumours put out by Leah haters. I was just like O_o but she seems happy and that's what important ^-^, I think the baby is due in March?
I watch loads of dramas, atm I'm watching 'GiraGira' (about a host club), Condor Heroes (06' version) and Anmitsu Hime (not too sure yet, lol). I also like Ace wo nerae, 1 litre of tears and hana yori dango. All sorts really :) how about you?
I don't really know any Vivi models except Lena Fujii, I suppose that's why then if she's overexposed :( What is Ayu's Deji Deji diary?
I've just watched Green (late, I know XD, I'm not sure what to make of it, I love the carabet type scenes, the bits set in old china remind me of Memoirs of a Geisha a little though...
ReplyDeleteHmmm... I'm not sure if she would be able to continue her music, her career was failing fast and her fan base was all drooling men. I don't see any reason why Leah can't continue modelling though, i think she looks even prettier now she's regained some weight and is looking happier :)
Hana Yori Dango is hilarious! we're watching it atm in the japanese club I run at school. Oh, I didn't know the korean version was out yet, I shall have to check that out after I've watched Hana Yori Dango 3: the final :) I found out that Domyouji's actor is in a male idol group, check out this video it's amazing!! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=IUzyBkJoOdQ (don't think much of his singing though XD!) Hana Kimi.....I did read a manga a few years ago about a girl who disguises herself as a boy to see a guy she has a crush o, is that the one? I'm into period dramas atm, I'm watching Sakuran, Anmitsu hime and Maiko Haaaaan! (insane film, lol)
Ooo, thanks for the scans, I love the one of her in the pink tomesode, she looks so cute! (beautiful jewel kanzashi-thing in her hair too!) It's nice to see what celebs get up to (I like the bit in the making of Mirrocle world when she meet all those french fans and looks so shocked!)
That's okay ^-^ Happy chinese new year!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean, I don't think it's her best look even if it is quite striking :D
I think Leah will make a good mommy, she's so extited about it ^-^
'Truth', huh. I shall have to check it out, and Hana Kimi, I hope it's as funny as the manga. Have you tried Kimi ha Petto? That's a recent fave of mine too.
I know! I think the outfits in Flying Daggers and Hero are stunning. I love GuGu's (sp?) costume, I think I saw a replica on ebay once.
Haha, I think it was a bit of a wakeup call for her. I know that the AKB48 girls are always shocked when they meet their foreign fans. Those fans were really lucky to get so close to her, I bet in Japan the fans there would not have been able to!
I just got the Feb edition of Popteen, there's a couple of special pages on Aiku, she's been with them for quite a while! Oh, and I found this http://tbs-anacan.com/36/topic/1365 on page six there's an interview with her!
I hope you don't mind me being nosy, but where do you come from? I have the weirdest impression that your Australian >_<
Take care!
Hi again, sorry for the late reply ^-^;
ReplyDeleteMatsuJun sure does get around a lot, I didn't realise that he's got an acting award! I checked out 'Truth' and it was really good, not sure about the dancing though, lol. Yabai-Yabai-Yabai has been in my head for days now (make it stop! :D)
I'm halfway throught the 1st episode of Hana Kimi, it's funny so far I think I'm starting to remember the storyline and the characters (how could I have ever forgotten the pervy school doctor, XD)
Ooh that's awful, poor Amuro! That's strange that they let her out without some protection, I think they must of underestimated how popular she is over there 0_o
It's a really good issue, plenty of Aiku-ness and, as it's just been Seijin-no-hi, the girls are all decked out in their best Kimono! I love seeing a 'gal' twist on traditional clothing.
lol, I have no idea why I thought you were Austrailian. Twainese, huh? That would explain your intrest in Chinese music, how did you get into the Japanese side of things?
Yeah, I've been spamming this entry recently, lol. It's fun talking to someone with such similar intrests *^-^* Actually, I found your blog a few pages into a google search on Aiku, I was determined to see if I could find out what was going on with the whole Cancam/Popteen thing.
On a side note, a new model has just joined (at least in the last few months) and she seems to have that same cute/goofy thing going on that Aiku has, her names funayama kumiko http://www.popteen.jp/model/funayamakumiko/
Take care!
XD 'Screw you Kat-tun, we have MatsuJun'
ReplyDeleteI still don't know Arashi very well, but it does seem that MatsuJun is the best looking and most popular!
Pervy doctor ftw! I love how the previous 'pretty boy' in the class is really jealous when she arrives, lol. The quality of the video I'm watching isn't great but I think I recognise the high jumper as Rui from Hana Yori Dango? He's pretty handsome :)
I'd love to see one of the 'Big three' in concert some time, from what I've seen Ayu's shows always look spectacular! Where do you download your Ayu stuff? Since Crunchyroll revolutionised I've been rather Ayu-less :(
It seems like the must-have item this winter is a duffel coat with fur trim. I also had no idea that they could go into so much detail on fake eyelashes, haha
I decided to learn Japanese, just on a bit of a whim but I fell in love with the culture pretty quickly and turned into a bit of an anime nerd ^-^' then, like you, decided to follow up on the artists who sang a few anime themes and found idol group AKB48 and then from there fashion like Lolita and finally popteen. The whole process took, like, 6 years XD
Yeah, there aren't a lot of people who blog about the models themselves, (apart from Tsubasa)so I was suprised to find someone talking about Aiku.
Popteen do seem to be pushing her into the spotlight, lookd like she's on the cover for march! I think she has real potential :) I can't believe that she's my age, though! What do you think of Ro-ra the half girl? I think she might be fillapina/japanese, she has such amazing eyes!
take care!
Ew..It's snowing over here and getting all slippery x_x
ReplyDeleteMatsuJun stands out as the best from Arashi, but I agree that (most) of the guys in Kat-tun are better looking. Check out this video of Leah dizon on their tv show http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=hDWR7g74d8I
Akanishi (Kame?) is such a flirt here! (and his english is pretty good, when he's not copying it off Justin Timberlake!!)
Oguri Shun (?) is really good looking! I wish he was in more stuff :)
Oh so it was you! I was so suprised when Crunchyroll did that, how could they!? all that hard work T_T But thankyou for uploading them anyway, I wouldn't have become an Ayu fan without them ^-^
Yeah XD Obsessions are like wine, they get better over time. I've been through so many phases now, lol.
I think there's a lot of mentions of her name with other models and on file names, rather than any news on her individually.
Bangladeshi? Wow, now that IS an unusual combination,striking though. I see it now you've pointed it out XD How did you find out about it?
Take care!
That's alright! I'm just as guilty of replying late ^-^
ReplyDeleteI suppose us new fans will have to be a bit more determined to find information on Ayu! Although it can be hard to find her pvs now X_X
I'm so in love with Hana Kimi, I went out and bought a copy of the mangas. I do think Dr. Umeda steals the show in both the live action on the manga! I'm watching a really good drama atm, It's called KiraKira Kenshui about a medical intern, It's hilarious XD
Ah, that's facinating! I must study harder so I can read what they have to say, Ganbarimasu!
Take Care!