It's 2:31 AM right now as I'm posting this and I'm just hyper!
During times like this, I like to think of how bored I am and how I should be more grateful. I mean i have a roof over my head, proper hygiene, food to eat and clothes to wear. I mean really, people that complain about stupid little things like breaking a nail, getting ketchup on your shirt, wondering why your boyfriend/girlfriend didn't call you. I mean don't you think these are really superficial and useless things to think about!
You know what I also hate the defensive people @_@ I mean you say one itsy bitsy little thing and they go off crazy like you cursed their entire family to hell. It's just ridiculous and what's the point of the freedom of speech anymore! I mean do we really have freedom of speech anymore? Maybe a long time ago we did when the television wasn't invented and celebrities didn't have as much juicy gossip as they do now.
I just feel sometimes that I'm living in this small bubble with 6 billion other people @_@ Feels suffocating at times and it's just frustrating.
hi pommy i so agree with u>.< life IS difficult but hell it still continues until the day we die@.@ so ya, cheer up! go listen to some happy ayu songs=)