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alan forum

Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh...a cyclone is coming?

Just saw the news here in Taiwan that a cyclone is set to arrive in Taiwan either on the 20th or 21st...the dates of Namie's BEST FICTION TOUR in Taiwan *thuds*

I hope they won't cancel it! Cause even if a tornado is coming, it won't stop me from seeing Namie XD

Oo, I already changed the banner! Isn't it so pretty <3<3 So heavenly~~~And the lyrics are from BRAVE <3

I even changed the template to blue, so it'll match the banner

Ah since I'm kinda bored, I think I'll translate alan's blogs in the past :D...which is like 200...yeah wish me luck ;)

1 comment:

  1. The banner if beautiful. Looks like alan is the princess of the sky XD hehe
