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Saturday, June 13, 2009

OMG! finally...a link to civilization

Hi everyone! Pommy's back~ I managed to get a new laptop, it's an Asus X61 or something...anyways it's my first real laptop, my last one was just a hand me down from my brother! So the feeling of having a brand new laptop is just making me all giddy

I think I like using Vista too <3 all pretty, but since my screen have a different resolution, I had to delete a lot of my wallpapers which I noticed are really crappy....

Anyways, if my "borrowed" internet last, I'll go and translate more blog entries of alan...she posts like a maniac XD

Oo! I also brought ayu's Memorial address CD+DVD, RAINBOW, and LOVEppears~ They're all OS press....only 3 more albums to go till I'm finished collecting all of her studio albums


1 comment:

  1. hehe..i found a whole bunch of OS j-pop stuff in chinatown, SF xDD
