小山, 小静, taught me,,,つっこみ exercise...

小山 is really friendly~~

Me oh~, had,, heard something wrong,,,then they helped me correct it...
During the recording, when I said something wrong, I kept saying [sorry], and 小山 keep on following it with [it's ok].
Is Osaka talk hard? つっこみ is hard...still need to continue practicing

小静 oh, she had a bit of a scary atmosphere, like you don't need to say anything and she'll laugh, very cool oh...
Very kind. Even though she don't talk a lot...but very interesting...
Before oh, I didn't really get つっこみ. A lot of different places,,,I keep messing up on...
小山, [That is different from つっこみ~]..oh oh like that...
But oh, the part where 小山, 小静, and I worked together, it was pretty good

There were a lot of funny things this time and it's very interesting,,,

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