When I started, I said wrong things [Idiot of direction] Ha~~~~I said a few sentences very shyly, even I was shocked....
[What?? What did I just say?]
[Or...just don't say anything. So embarrassing

All the workers at the radio station, very sorry. Hehehe~~~

Right now I've taken a walk..I recorded a song today. Also..many many music related things...
I'll work hard!!
That's just it......

Then~thanks for the M·A·C's photoshoot.
On M·A·C's 2nd page

Thanks for before and today's care.

This is for the destined release on December 3rd for M·A·C's Perfect Holiday Set [Cool ケイパーズ Mini Pigment/Glitter]

This is a limited product for Christmas~

Everyone, when you're going on date, remember to use it oh

Men oh...this is a nice thought for you to send to a girl you like oh

Also, I had a group picture with Anecan's front page photographer, Mr. Watanabe and with happy staff workers.

I've ate a lot of different kinds of food lately, very delicious...but..this~oh? I don't know..but.....it's raw salmon.. Everyone, please help me open the door of wisdom~~Please tell me~~~♪

That's it~~~

Wow alan will be on the cover of the next Anecan issue? It would be so nice =D