I've been busy lately, so don't have a lot of time to update my blog...I really want to write some interesting things. I'm just not an interesting person...oh....
Next month-, alan's newest single [Swear] and 2nd album [my life] will be released oh

So-next month I will be in a lot of TV programs, outdoor programs, and radio programs...probably...

I will be recording for Japan TV station's [Music Fighter] oh

I'll be busy today----oh----it's all for everyone~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After I'll be going to shoot some pictures----

Please wait for it oh

Hey, then everyone, I'll be showing to the public pictures now~~~~~

Is everyone still waiting for it????
Oh really, then---it's still early right now...ho~~~
This is a picture with Anecan's makeup stylist Monchhichi (right) and stylish Momoko (left)

We are all really good friends....

So cute~~~~~~~~~little BOBO

BOBO is the little doggy of the photographer...ha~~~.....so cute oh....
Just call him and he'll come Have the feeling of a cordial neighbor...


This is my casual clothe...full body model oh---

This is the outfit I wore when I went to the program. Checkered dress

That's it for the pictures today oh-

Everyone, good night....
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