Tomorrow is.......Tomorrow is........
Tomorrow issssss~~~~~~~.
"SAVE THE FUTURE" first performance

This would be my 3rd year working with my senior, Norika Fujiwara-san. Huhuhu..

There are many living things and it's difficult to communicate with them, but it's really a very innocent thing.
Don't forget to have a thankful heart towards those living things. Don't forget the truth of that we all share this planet.
First, we have to do what we can around us. Everyone's awareness is a great power.
What should we do???? What's happening to the world right now????
Please remember to watch tomorrow NHK's "SAVE THE FUTURE"......
All living things' future is our future.

It's time for everyone to really think about it.
There's also a live~~~~~~~
But that's something absolute!!!!! If possible.....please remember to watch...
alan will sing the ending song for "TAMALA"

Starting from 15:00 tomorrow, 10/11(Monday(
NHK Eco-Channel and you can also watch the short animation movie, "Wake up!! TAMALA" online

Of course, please remember to listen to alan's "Namonaki Tane" ne. Chaku-uta will start releasing tomorrow~~~~~Lalalalalalalalalalala......la

If possible...Hehehe....

You can check with mu-mo's recording

Alos, I will sing this song for the first time live

Good night.