I woke up, really want to go back to sleep.....can I???
Yes, I can't.
I understand...
Why is alan waking up so early today???
Hm~hm, because I have rehearsal~. And recording~.
Yes, must do my best.
I had rehearsal yesterday too, lately it's this kind of feeling.
Hastily compose music and then it's resting time.
What is this kind of feeling???
It's this kind of feeling.

When that time comes, everyone must hear oh.
Next up,,, NHK [Hello! Studio Park]'s Ms. 武内, Mr. 稲冢 wrote a letter to me!!
Really happy!!!
Thanks to you two!

Then~I want to go back to sleep~~ho!
Just kidding.
Already up, so must do my best...
I love her dress