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Monday, July 13, 2009

[CH][09-07-13 01:04:15] Hong Kong is so hot ah~~~~~~

Hi everyone!

First time coming to Hong Kong to do promotion for my Chinese album!!

The first feeling I got after getting off the plane is....oh~~~~~~~so~~~~~~~hot~~~~~~~ah~~~~~~~~

I went to the hotel from the airport today, and 2 hours later I'm already working oh!!!

I accepted an interview from the media in Hong Kong, and went to a radio station for exclusive interview,

I went to the "top of the mountain" to take pictures.

Hong Kong's night scenery is really too~~~~beautiful~~~~ah!!!!

At first I was really worried about it raining, but I'm the "clear sky woman" oh! Haha!!

Tomorrow's events are waiting for me oh! Good luck!! Hong Kong's fans,

Please keep supporting alan!!

1 comment:

  1. yayy she clears skies up while everyone else makes rain and storm! xDD <333
