What's everyone doing right now?
At work? Or at school?...As for me, I'm at work right now, trying on clothes for the new song.
About to shot a new MV. Gonna ask for what? YES! It's for the 10th single...
Very sorry to everyone, it was going to be a summer single~~~~~~~but now I'm shooting for an autumn single.
But it's really a very great melody, so everyone just wait for it...
Also...I'm not very sure myself...a little bit not used to it....
So everyone just wait some more, I must think more about it.....Ok? Very soon it can be announced...
Yesterday I went to a place with a lot of mountains, just came back. (fan: went to play~~~??)
It's for the shooting.........
It's very hard work, a lot of workers went, everyone worked so hard, thank you everyone.
And there's still a lot lot more people, very thankful to you guys.
How is this picture? I don't know either. The shirt that I wore today had angel wings oh (laugh).
It's true! There's wings on the back of the T-shirt.

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