I'm back...
There's only a 1 month difference between today's live and the last live I had..
alan was able to see many of alan's family members today..

Very thankful to everyone that came~~

I went to~~a lot of places this month...
I met a lot of happy things..but there's also some awkward moments too~~
Ah~~~ Fly..fly..
Even though I don't want to fly~~

The journey was very nerve racking ...
But it was because of everyone...
alan is really happy from being able to see everyone again.
So I don't want to show everyone my tired side..
I wanted to give everyone an energetic and bubbly alan..

Does everyone want to see the full of power kind of alan???

There's a lot of clouds today...I got up really early in the morning too..then when it was 12, I thought it was only 8...My mind is just blank~~~
I got a massage after the rehearsal..My energy returned after one hour of rest...really great~~~Tomorrow...and also the day after tomorrow's live
I will work hard~~~
Please take care of me~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I will go to bed earlier today........
I must be full of energy for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good night!!!!
Good night~~~~~~~~
p.s. Anecan's MEIKU gave me this gift

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