Good evening~~

I'm still in Taipei~~

It's almost been 2 weeks
I also have to shoot a PV tomorrow~

Actually I wanted someone to introduce Taipei to me,
Like fun places or delicious places....
But everyday from morning to night is all work and work..shooting PV, recording...
And mixing. I really have no time to go out and play.

The staff members are all male this time...
I just went with a member to buy some things and I think it's a bit interesting.
Like how everyone knows that producer Kazuhito

He always wait outside the store.
So it's a bit fun when he goes to an electronic store.
He kept on asking the Chinese A&R staff. "Where is the electronic store?"
Producer Kazuhito pointed at the Chinese sign that says "theater". He thought it was the electronic store. Actually it's not

This in Japanese means theater.
So he just really wants to go??

I was about to go see a Taiwanese singer's concert today.

But my ticket is for the 19th!! Yesterday!!!!!

Today is already the 20th!!!!! It's not the 19th!!

Totally shocking! So I can only use the time when I was supposed to go see the concert to write this blog post.
That's about it for today.
Today's blog post is a big long. The concert is probably done about now?

I'm preparing to go back.
That's right, I will be going to Beijing next week.

Then that's it.
Bye bye

When I shot the PV yesterday, I released my Sunny Girl energy. The location was very sunny. It just rained today. Lucky~

She was probably going to see Amit.
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