After the promotion in Hong Kong, it went to Beijing. 4/26 concluded the press conference for the new album.
This press conference was "simple" but it wasn't "wasn't simple".
I didn't sing new songs at the press conference, but I chose to sing "Ai Jiu Shi Shou".
I dedicated it to my comrades in Qinghai Yushu facing the difficulties.
I finished the 1 week promotion in Beijing and I've just arrived in Chengdu today. I'm here for the Chengdu press conference tomorrow on 4/29.
It's a "press conference", but I feel like it's more of a mini Live.
I even heard the Staff say that we will have an interest live broadcasting. It's so that more fans will be able to hear my songs. I'm so happy! and so moved...
Tomorrow's location: Rainbow Bar
Address: 文庙前街66号老南门大桥旁
Start time:Afternoon 14:00-
I hope that everyone will come support me~~~~~~~~~
Ok, I'll just write to here then, I have to start work early tomorrow morning!!
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