I did a show yesterday and I heard a ghost story. I just couldn't have a "peaceful" sleep when I returned home yesterday. I ended up being the "victim". I've been shooting for different magazines today and I had to get an ice pack for my eyes that are a little bit swollen. I couldn't sleep last night and I would look at the ceiling for a bit, then look under the bed for a bit, and then I would turn myself and look to the side. I would open the lights, then close the lights..I don't know what kind of "ghosts" might appear. Different kind of thoughts, of fear, and of nervousness... I just couldn't control myself anymore for the rest of the night, so I ended up "ready to risk everything" and I went to sleep. I had the "unafraid of death" thought and "do whatever you want, I'm already asleep, so if you're real, then go ahead! It doesn't matter since I haven't done any bad things" Ho~~So it looks like I was just scaring myself all along, there was actually nothing. When I woke up this morning, my body was so sore and my eyes were a bit swollen...It wasn't worth it... Poor "me"..Is there any way to strengthen my courage?
God has been very "outlandish" lately with summer going directly into winter and the continuous raining, it's all gloomy, so annoying!
OMG poor her! I'm scare of ghost's story too! (BTW I'm Hanabi xD)