Please wait a moment~~

Sorry sorry~~~~

Today I have a dancing class, so I'm just home to take a quick shower...
Ah~~dancing is hard work oh~~it's been a long time since I've taken a dancing class. Very hard oh~~

Also today's's a very sexy dance oh...
The teacher is very sexy..

I~~~~oh....very cruel ah...not sexy at all...(cry)
I can't look at myself in the mirror at all...........

Me ah...feel like I'm like a robot

What am I doing~~~~~~~~~~

But...very interesting...I'll work hard....does everyone want to see alan's dance???

Tomorrow is also the recording for the album~~~60% of the songs tomorrow were written by me. Everyone please wait for it..

Today was just like this~~~

One last thing:
The miss bunny that I collect is just as important to me as everyone else~~

Good night~~~

ps: Sorry..sorry!!!

I wrote it wrong..!
It's sexy..not sex~~~

Thank you everyone oh!!!!

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