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Sunday, May 9, 2010
[JP][10-05-06 00:18:03] Wuhan
It's so hot today~~I feel a bit sticky~~But I'm still so happy..
When I got out of the rental car, I started to sweat. My dinner only cost 49 yuan and even though the streets were lighted at night, but most of the Wuhan stores closed at 9:30. When we arrived, it was already 9:35, so I didn't go inside.....Another store to say it um. Places that feel fresh will always have some interesting things happen
I will start work tomorrow~~It's for my Japan work this time~~, please wait for it everyone!!
[JP][10-04-23 20:48:30] Good evening???
I'm alan~
I'm in Beijing right now~
It's a bit warm today in Beijing...
But the weather forecast said that tomorrow will be a bit cold~~(it's not fun at all~)
My work for today is finished..
I'll be going to eat later..
Did everyone eat already??

3 people ate lunch for only 38 yuan..hehehehehe..
I want to eat delicious delicious food for dinner~

I'm really thankful to everyone!

[JP][10-04-21 04:44:17] Can't sleep...
Good morning? I'm in Beijing right now.
Everyone..I miss you guys~

The TV has been broadcasting news reports and the charity event for the Qinghai earthquake..
How can I help my brothers and sisters?
What should..I do?
Does everyone understand this kind of feeling~

I really want to go to Qinghai~~Really want to go~~But what can I do when I'm there? Work in the rescue team~~??
I'm an injured person. Give me strength then!. I really want to go embrace those kids..I want to help them..
What to do??
alan's family, what should I do??

I'm going to sleep right need to worry..
My Japanese still isn't good, I don't know what to say sitting in the front of the computer...I can't write anything out...
Thank you everyone~Good night~~

[CH][10-05-07 11:01:37] Thanks for Wuhan's good weather

[CH][10-05-04 00:27:55] Time
Sometimes at a certain time, place, we will think of something..or someone..
There are times when there's deep affections...singing and laughter..and there are times where you feel depressed...and cry alone...
There's different sounds to be heard in different places in the world..
" one person's revelry.." a group of people's loneliness....
No matter what..
There's no way to wipe around that one teardrop away...
Time..passes in an instant..
How many more generations do we have left to live squander so freely??
For future squandering..please treasure everything you have right now..
[CH][10-05-02 21:58:42] An extremely happy day!!
Wah~Oh~Yay~~~~~~~Happy!! SO Happy!!
I woke up at 5 today and when my mind was still a messThe car already pulled me to "Bifengxia Panda Base"!
This year's outdoor location is alan's hometown, Sichuan, and when you think of Sichuan, it's definitely our "national treasure" the pandas!
I was able to be in close distance interacting with the panda cubs. I'm so happy!! I'm so lucky~~
[CH][10-04-30 21:54:38] Summary
[CH][10-04-29 20:25:00] Chengdu press conference
Thanks to all of the fans in alan's family, it's because of your support that gives me the courage to keep on singing!
The "me" on the board is bigger than me, haha :)
This is my 2nd album, please support the official version!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
[CH][10-04-20 23:22:14] Did all that I can, all that we can
[CH][10-04-28 22:59:54] Fighting in Chengdu!!

After the promotion in Hong Kong, it went to Beijing. 4/26 concluded the press conference for the new album.
This press conference was "simple" but it wasn't "wasn't simple".
I didn't sing new songs at the press conference, but I chose to sing "Ai Jiu Shi Shou".
I dedicated it to my comrades in Qinghai Yushu facing the difficulties.
I finished the 1 week promotion in Beijing and I've just arrived in Chengdu today. I'm here for the Chengdu press conference tomorrow on 4/29.
It's a "press conference", but I feel like it's more of a mini Live.
I even heard the Staff say that we will have an interest live broadcasting. It's so that more fans will be able to hear my songs. I'm so happy! and so moved...
Tomorrow's location: Rainbow Bar
Address: 文庙前街66号老南门大桥旁
Start time:Afternoon 14:00-
I hope that everyone will come support me~~~~~~~~~
Ok, I'll just write to here then, I have to start work early tomorrow morning!!